As we enter a new week at Sheesa we bid farewell to what has been a spectacular AWARE Week for both ourselves, our clients and our partners in this venture. We’ve been following the international movement with great interest and congratulations are due to Project AWARE for a hugely successful week.


We started the week off with the Dubai Panda Diving Club and the Oman Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs alongside us. Having the support of these two organizations made all the difference in the success of the weekend as we ran cleanup operations into the heart of the Musandam. Thank you to all of you that joined us.


We then ran a live-aboard trip into the Musandam for two nights, staying on site and tackling the cleanup of as many dive sites as possible. Thanks are again due to everyone that attended, particularly those that drove for many hours to be here!


To us, this is what makes diving special, and what makes divers such a great group. We, as a community, share a unique opportunity and responsibility to stand as ambassadors for a cleaner, greener planet. It gives us chills to see divers so willingly giving of their time and effort to make a difference.


The concept isn’t new to us here at Sheesa Beach; we work on a daily basis to reduce our footprint and operate in an environmentally ethical manner. It is refreshing however, to see the rest of the world getting on board so enthusiastically. Our social media feeds have been filled with friends from all over the globe rolling up their sleeves and doing their part. From the UAE to South Africa, the States to the Asian Islands, well done to all of you who did your part this week. We’re proud to call ourselves a 100% Project AWARE partner.

We’re confident that our friends in the Middle East will be as mindful of the upcoming change in season as we are. We’re already seeing a difference in the weather and we’re all ready for some relief from the relenting summer heat. We’re thankful to be able to report that it’s been a long, fruitful summer for Sheesa Beach.

The winter signifies the start of our busy season and our crew is raring to go! The region sees an increase in activity during the more gentle winter months, boosting business and bringing thousands of people to the area. It’s our favourite time of the year, but there are some changes to take note of. With effect from the 1st of October the local hotel with whom we have an arrangement will be adjusting their rates to the peak season structure. While we, and our clients, still benefit from a substantial discount at the hotel, there will be an adjustment to the pricing structure. Please contact Cecil on to find out more and for any enquiries.

The diving centre is busy as usual with the boys working hard, our new classroom and teaching facility is in the pipeline and we’ll be able to show it off to you soon! For a limited time we’re still running free Nitrox specialties as an bolt-on to any other course you do with us; just do your PADI e-learning and we’ll take care of the rest!

Cecil will also be running our latest PADI AI (Assistant Instructor) programme on the 26th & 27th of October. For those of you that have been considering your AI, this is a perfect opportunity. The students already enrolled are a fantastic group of passionate diving professionals and there are limited spaces still available. Believe us when we say that once you train with Sheesa, you’ll never look back. Contact Cecil as soon as possible if you’re interested!

Our speedboats are running every Friday on a sharing basis and are available for private charter during the week should you require. We leave early on a Friday morning, get two dives in along with a lunch on board and have you back in port by 3pm. No hassle for you to be back in Dubai in time for dinner. Can you think of a better way to spend a Friday?

Finally and very quickly, we’re running an event from the 1st to the 3rd of November and we’ll need our regulars to attend. We’ll release all of the details as soon as possible but in the interim please keep the date open.

We hope to see you soon!

Take care now.


Sheesa Beach